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About us



Committee of Underwriters Credit Insurance Committee LGD Sub-Committee Regulatory Sub Committee Single Risk Committee Surety Committee Surety Trade Credit Insurance Europe

Member details

Belgium/Europe Surety, Trade credit

Contact +32 2 788 87 02

Credendo is a European trade credit insurance group that covers risks worldwide. The parent company, Credendo – Export Credit Agency, was founded in 1921 to support Belgian international trade by granting guarantees and insurance for export transactions. It has since developed into an international group, present in 15 European countries and Russia, offering solutions in all segments of trade credit insurance:

  • Belgian export credit agency: promoting Belgian exports, imports and investments abroad with medium- and long-term trade credit and political risk insurance, financial guarantees and direct financing.
  • Whole turnover short-term credit insurance: providing flexible insurance policies with approved credit limits and a risk period of less than 2 years, worldwide, even in complex risk environments.
  • Single risk: covering single contract or single buyer risks up to 7 years in more than 160 countries.
  • Excess of loss: covering exceptional and unforeseeable risks of turnover receivables.
  • Top-up cover: adding capacity to the credit limits of a short-term trade credit insurance policy.
  • Surety: issuing contractual and legal bonds.

Credendo supports SMEs and large businesses with credit insurance, guarantees and bespoke financing solutions.


In 1921, the Belgian Government decided to create an agency to support exporting firms by granting insurance and guarantees. In 1939, the Office National du Ducroire (ONDD) became an autonomous public financial institution. In addition to its public aim – to provide insurance with a state guarantee – the company began to develop its private commercial insurance activities in 2004, taking the first step towards international expansion, which has now resulted in it having a presence in 15 countries. In 2017, the group adopted the name Credendo. The Belgian state remains its sole shareholder.

Group Executive Committee

Dirk Terweduwe, Chief Executive Officer

Frank Vanwingh, Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Nabil Jijakli, Deputy Chief Executive Officer

General Managers

Credendo – Short-Term Non-EU Risks: Stefaan Van Boxstael

Credendo – Guarantees & Speciality Risks: Christoph Witte

Contact Person

Karin Van den Broeck

Phone +32 2 788 87 02