About us

BTG Pactual
Member details
Brazil ReinsuranceContact
http://www.btgpactual.com/BTG Pactual was founded in 1983 as a brokerage house in Brazil, commenced banking activities in 1989, expanded its franchise over the 1990s and 2000s, finally going public through an IPO in 2012 in the Brazilian stock exchange (primary capital increase of R$ 3.2 Bi). Over the last few years the group has expanded geographically, becoming the leading investment bank in Latin America, active in Investment Banking, Corporate Lending, Sales & Trading, Wealth Management and Asset Management, as well as in the Insurance business, through BTG Pactual Resseguradora S.A. amongst other companies.
BTG Pactual Resseguradora S.A. was established in April 2012 and obtained authorization to operate as a local reinsurer from SUSEP (Brazilian Superintendency of Private Insurance) without restrictions on the 21st of February of 2013. After final corporate formalities required by the respective regulations, BTG Pactual Resseguradora S.A. started its activities on the 1st of May of 2013.
The company has operated almost exclusively as a captive reinsurance company, reinsuring risks / policies issued by BTG Pactual Seguros S.A. and / or Too Seguros S.A., primarily in surety and agricultural insurance. Additionally, BTG Pactual Resseguradora S.A. has been very active in retrocession of risks, both through automatic and facultative contracts, maintaining strong relationships with local and international retrocedants.
BTG Pactual Resseguradora S.A.’s long term goals are to maintain steady and responsible growth of the surety, agricultural and financial risks business in the Brazilian market whilst continuing to expand these business lines, and potentially others, in Latin American and European countries.