About us

Member details
Mexico SuretyAseguradora Aserta and Aseguradora Insurgentes (jointly “Aserta”), belong to Aserta Financial Group, whose experience in surety bond industry, dates back to 1954.
The group’s technical, commercial, local and economic expertise, as well as its solid and well recognized technological competitive advantages, has allowed them to lead the Mexican Surety Market with 29.2% of market share, as of September 2021.
Aserta covers the Mexican territory through more than 30 branches around the country and 1,200 active agents/brokers. Aserta issues more than 290,000 bonds per year.
As part of our international strategic plan, the Company entered the European market through Aserta España, achieving top market share in Spain after 3 years of operations.
Aserta and Insurgentes, have solid and strong financial rates by three different agencies.
AM Best | Moody’s | Fitch | |
Aserta | A- (Excellent) | Baa2 | BBB- |
Insurgentes | A- (Excellent) | Baa2 | BBB- |
Different stages during time of Aserta evolution and history has been accomplished:
Originally established in 1954 under the name of Fianzas Modelo. Subsequently, it was acquired by different companies and finally, transformed into Aserta by a group of Mexican investors in 2005, which finally changed its name to Afianzadora Aserta, S.A. de C.V.
Afianzadora Insurgentes was founded in 1958 as a family owned company and since 1993 transformed in different ways as it was acquired by Mexican and International different groups. Finally, in 2007 it was acquired by the same group of Mexican investors that founded Aserta.
In 2008, the two bonding companies became subsidiaries of Grupo Financiero Aserta.
In 2018, Aserta and Insurgentes transformed themselves into Aseguradoras de Caución (Surety Insurance Companies), the first ones in Mexico, offering Surety Insurance and credit insurance, in addition to surety bonds and reinsurance. In this transformation process they changed their business names into Aseguradora Aserta and Aseguradora Insurgentes, respectively.
México – Aseguradora Aserta, Aseguradora Insurgentes,
Spain – Aserta España
Board of Directors
Enrique Murguía Pozzi – Grupo Financiero Aserta, CEO – Executive Chairman of ASERTA Europe
Gerardo Lozano de León – Aseguradora Aserta & Aseguradora Insurgentes – CEO
Mario García Cueto – Aserta España – CEO
Norma Villaurrutia – International Director
Address and Contact info
Aserta México
Periférico Sur 4829, P9
Parque del Pedregal
Tlalpan, 14010
Ciudad de México
+5255 54473900
Aserta España
Paseo de la Castellana, 52
Planta 2a B. 28046
+34 915 643 367 +34 915 637 678
Contact person
Gabriel Huidobro
International Director
Off. 52 55 54473998
Cel. 52 55 3738 9085